Date | September 16-17th, 2013 |
Venue | Hotel Lutetia, Paris, France |
EOFS and OpenSFS are organizing the third European Lustre Workshop, called Lustre Administrators and Developers Workshop. It will take place in Paris, at Hotel Lutetia during 2 days, 16th and 17th of September, 2013. This will be a great opportunity for LustreTM worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.
This will be a two days event, starting from Monday, September 16th, 2013 in the morning, to Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 in the afternoon.
Presentations proposal deadline | July 27th, 2013 |
End of early bird rate | August 10th, 2013 |
End of registration | August 31st, 2013 |
Workshop | September 16-17th, 2013 |
LAD’13 Program Committee: EOFS and OpenSFS
Monday, September 16th, 2013
- 9:00 : Registration and coffee
- 9:50 : Welcome – Aurelien Degremont, Chairman
- 10:00 : Lustre Releases – Peter Jones, Intel
- 10:30 : Lustre at the Australian National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) – Joseph Antony, NCI
- 11:00 : Analysis of filesystem and file fragmentation in Lustre – Ashley Pittman, DDN
- 11:30 : Lustre usage monitoring or “What the &#%@ are users doing with my filesystem?“ – Kilian Cavalotti, CEA
- 12:00 : Parameter Configuration Normalization – Nathan Rutman, Xyratex
- 12:30 : Lunch
- 14:00 : Lustre at GSI – Walter Schön, GSI
- 14:30 : –enable-gss: strong authentication in Lustre&friends, Daniel Kobras, Science+Computing
- 15:00 : A lightweight access control mechanism for Lustre in wide area domainsThomas Stibor, GSI
- 15:30 : Developing UID Mapping and a Stand Alone Security Mechanism for Lustre: Challenges and Successes – Josh Walgenbach, Indiana University
- 15:45 : Lustre Shared-Key Authentication & Encryption – Andrew Korty, Indiana University
- 16:00 : Coffee Break
- 16:30 : Lustre/HSM is there! – Aurélien Degrémont, CEA
- 17:00 : Centralized Lustre monitoring on Bullx platforms – Florent Thery, Bull
- 17:30 : A Bowl full of Lustre Tools – Michael Kluge, TU-Dresden
- 18:00 : End of sessions
- 19:30 : Social Event: Dinner and boat tour
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
- 9:00 : Coffee
- 9:30 : Lustre Features in Development – Oleg Drokin, Intel
- 10:00 : Lustre on ZFS at SSEC – Scott Nolin, University of Wisconsin
- 10:30 : Monitoring the Lustre to maintain optimal performance – Gabriele Paciucci, Intel
- 11:00 : Coffee break
- 11:30 : Lustre Metadata Performance Testing Best Practice – Cheng Shao, Xyratex
- 12:00 : Deploying a Lustre cluster for HPC Applications in the Cloud – Gabriele Paciucci, Intel
- 12:30 : Lunch
- 14:00 : New Quality of Service Policy for Lustre Based on the Lustre Network Request Scheduler (NRS) – Suichi Ihara, DDN
- 14:30 : WNC: the Windows Native Client – Meghan McClelland, Xyratex
- 15:00 : Exporting Lustre with Ganesha, a NFS-server running in user-space – Philippe Deniel, CEA
- 15:30 : Coffee & Wrap up
Registration is now closed!
More than 100 persons attended LAD that year! Thanks to you!
Any questions? Contact us at lad(at)eofs.eu
LAD’13 will be held in the Hôtel Lutetia, located in Saint-Germain-des-Près area, a prestigious hotel, one of the first Art Deco building in Paris.
Hôtel Lutetia
45, boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris
There is no conference rate for this hotel.
Social Event
On Monday evening, a social event will take place on yacht, near the venue. There will be a dinner and a boat tour on Seine river, aboard the Excellence Yacht. A limited number spouses can attend too. Availabilities for spouses are on a first-come, first-served basis. Register quickly!