Date | September 23-24, 2019 |
Venue | Cercle National des Armées, Paris, France |
EOFS and OpenSFS are organizing the 9th European lustre workshop, Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop. It will take place in Paris, at Cercle National des Armées, during 2 days, the 23th and 24th of September, 2019.
This will be a great opportunity for Lustre worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.

If your company is interested in sponsoring next LAD, please contact us.
Important Dates
This will be a two days event, starting from Monday, September 23rd, 2019 in the morning, to Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 in the afternoon.
Registration opens | June 3rd, 2019 |
Presentations proposal deadline (final due date) | August 30th, 2019 |
End of early bird rate | August 25th, 2019 |
End of registration | September 15th, 2019 |
Workshop | September 23-24, 2019 |
The event will be co-located with the Lustre Developer Summit (on the 25th).
Sorry, registration is closed.
Talks are 30-min technical presentation (including Q&A).
If you are a speaker, please upload your presentation to EasyChair before September 19th, or send it to lad@eofs.eu.
The 2 days of this workshop is a very busy time for us and it is much better if we do not have to care about slides during these days. It would be very much appreciated if you can really provide them on time.
Preferred format is PDF, but if you really need a PPTX it is possible. In this case, please send us both versions, PDF and PPTX. Only PDF versions will be used for online publishing.
The Chaiman also needs a 2-3 sentences to introduce you briefly. You can add it as a comment to your presentation when uploading to EasyChair, or send it to lad@eofs.eu.
Monday, September 23th 2019
- 09:00: Registration and coffee
- 09:50: Keynote Welcome, CEA video
- 10:00: Community Release Update – Peter Jones, Whamcloud video
- 10:30: Lustre Performance Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – Shuichi Ihara, Whamcloud video
- 11:00: Break
- 11:30: Lustre and IO500 – Experiences from June 2019 IO500 with the Cambridge Data Accelerator – Matthew Raso-Barnett, University of Cambridge video
- 12:00: Lustre performance on DDN SFA18KE – Gaël Delbary, CEA video
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:30: Lustre 2.14 and Beyond – Andreas Dilger, Whamcloud video
- 15:00: Lustre Client Encryption – Sébastien Buisson, Whamcloud video
- 15:30: NVRAM-oriented Lustre Persistent Cache on Client – Li Xi, Whamcloud, Lingfang Zeng and Wen Cheng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology video
- 16:00: Break
- 16:30: Fast Scanning and Scalable Search – Nathan Rutman, Cray video
- 17:00: RobinHood-v4 progress report – Quentin Bouget, CEA video
- 17:30: End of sessions (1st day)
- Social Event: 19h Dinner At Café Procope restaurant
Tuesday, September 24th 2019
- 09:00: Coffee
- 09:30: Confessions of a Gatekeeper – Oleg Drokin, Whamcloud video
- 10:00: The filesystem as a living creature – Diego Moreno, ETH Zurich video
- 10:30: Break
- 11:00: LNet Multi-Rail Improvement – Tatsushi Takamura and Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu video
- 11:30: LDISKFS block allocator and aged file system – Artem Blagodarenko, Cray video
- 12:00: Lunch
- 14:00: Cache replacement policies for storage tiering of Lustre – Li Xi, Whamcloud video
- 14:30: Predicting file lifetime with machine learning – Florent Monjalet, CEA video
- 15:00: Experience Running DMF7 on Lustre – Olaf Weber, HPE video
- 15:30: Break
- 16:00: Externalized HSM Coordinator – Ben Evans and Nathan Rutman, Cray video
- 16:30: Data management on Lustre using DMF 7 and Ceph – Alberto Galli, HPE video
- 17:00: Wrap up
LAD’19 will take place in the splendid building of Cercle National des Armées, in Paris.

Cercle National des Armées
8 Place Saint-Augustin
75008 Paris
For security reasons, only registered people can access the building. Remember to bring an ID.
Social Event
A social event will take place on Monday evening. The dinner will take place in a restaurant steeped in history: Café Procope, created in 1686 (see also the Wikipedia article).
The social event is included to LAD’s registration fees.
A limited number of spouses can attend this event (with an extra fee). Please use the dedicated checkbox during registration (availabilities for spouses are on a first-come, first-served basis).
Address: 13 Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, Paris (6th arrondissement)
Getting there from the workshop venue:
- Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/jhKfxkgFwdajDM9i7
- City mapper: https://citymapper.com/go/tjsoedkdfg
- OpenStreetMap: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2386622236
Suggested tourist walk:
- Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/mUdZ4g3KXKYySSag8